Quick Contact : +977-1-4112122, +977-9801060600 | info@ismt.edu.np
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Co-ordination all relevant activities of students and facilitate the standard services to students for academic programmes
Bachelors and minimum two years of work experience in similar industries. Masters Preferred.
Age Limit: At least 30 years above, preferable Female
Participates on a Student Success Team, identifies students who may need targeted or intensive services, and coordinates with behavioral health specialists.
Consults, facilitates, and maintains communication with parents, teachers, managers, and pertinent academics on specific student and parent academic and educational matters including academic modifications and/or accommodations.
Provides individual student planning and responsive services to support students and their families regarding academic matters.
Remains universally accessible and makes an effort to know every student.
Advises and counsels students regarding academic, educational, and short-term social and emotional problems.
Send your CV mentioning the interested positions in the subject line to humanresource@ismt.edu.np witha cpver letter.